
Nominate an exceptional teacher!

Submit an application

Apply by the specified date, where you will share your educational story and experience with us!

List of TOP 15 Enlighteners of Serbia

Publication of a short personal profile in case of semi-final placement.

Summer school of excellence

If you make it to the semi-finals, we will prepare and implement the Summer School of Excellence with you.

Getting to know the jury

You will meet the jury and the rest of the semi-finalists during the three-day participation in the Summer School of Excellence.

Audience Award

We will involve the audience to vote for the winner of the special award.

List of TOP 5 Enlighteners of Serbia

Publication of personal profile in case of entry into the final selection.

Teacher films

We will make a film based on your teacher story.

Application for the Global Teacher Prize

Together we will prepare your application for the Global Teacher Prize

Media promotion of the award

We will share with the Serbian public your experience and advice on how you were nominated for the global teacher award.

Gala evening Enlightener of Serbia

See you at the Enlightener ceremony!

Alumni program

We will be happy to work with you even after the awards process is over!
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Frequently asked questions

1I received multiple nominations for the competition, do I have to apply more than once?
Regardless of the number of nominations, you only fill out one Application Form. The link for the Application Form is here.
2I want to apply, but someone has already applied on my behalf. Does this mean that now I can no longer apply myself?
If you received an email with the title "Nomination for the Enlightener Award", it means that someone has nominated you and it is now necessary to fill in the Application Form, otherwise we will consider that you have not accepted the nomination(s). The link for the Application Form is here. The link for the Application Form is here.
3I made an input error, can you resend me the invitation to participate?
You can also apply independently, without a nomination. The link for the Application Form is here.
4I nominated a colleague and I made a mistake in the contact email, how do I correct it?
Feel free to fill out a new nomination with correct information at the link here.
5What are the three reference persons in the Application Form for? Should I inform them of my application/nomination before sending their contacts?
Three reference persons are contacts who guarantee that the data you enter is correct, and the organizer can contact them if he notices any illogicalities and inconsistencies in your application.
6Can the diaspora participate, especially Kosovo, the Republic of Srpska?
If the conditions are met, such as having the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and working directly with children and students in the Serbian language, we accept applications from any part of the world.
7Can we nominate school principals, librarians, psychologists, pedagogues?
This is a teacher award and is intended exclusively for those who currently work directly with children and students aged 5 to 18 years and at least 10 hours a week.
8Is this award the successor to the competition of the Zivojin Misic Foundation?
The Serbian Teacher Award Enlightener is an independent, newly established award and is not the successor of any other award.